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Working Paper
Household wellbeing in rural Papua New Guinea: Poverty analysis from the 2023 PNG Rural Household Survey
2025Mahrt, Kristi; Schmidt, Emily; Fang, Peixun; Mukerjee, Rishabh
Working Paper
‘Gold runs through these trees’: Preferences for ecosystems payment programs in Papua New Guinea
2025Mukerjee, Rishabh; Schmidt, Emily; Holtemeyer, Brian
Household wellbeing in rural Papua New Guinea: Analysis from the 2023 PNG Rural Household Survey
2025Mahrt, Kristi; Schmidt, Emily; Fang, Peixun; Mukerjee, Rishabh
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: January 2025
2025International Food Policy Research Institute; Schmidt, Emily; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu
Synthesis report: Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns
2025Roy, Devesh; Kamar, Abul; Pradhan, Mamata; Saroj, Sunil
Child growth and development in rural Papua New Guinea
2025Mukerjee, Rishabh; Schmidt, Emily
Working Paper
Market information and R&D investment under ambiguity: A framed artefactual experiment with plant breeding professionals
2024Trachtman, Carly; Kramer, Berber; do Nascimento Miguel, Jérémy
IFPRI Nexus SAMs: Annual Release Note 2024
2024Randriamamonjy, Josee; Jones, Eleanor; Pauw, Karl; Thurlow, James
Food price monitoring and data management training
2024Kedir Jemal, Mekamu
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: October 2024
2024International Food Policy Research Institute; Jemal, Mekamu; Hayoge, Glen
Working Paper
Poultry value chain and cluster development in Papua New Guinea: Insights from a recent field study
2024Fang, Peixun; Gimiseve, Harry; Mukerjee, Rishabh; Schmidt, Emily; Zhang, Xiaobo
Working Paper
The agricultural transformation index
2024Diao, Xinshen; Jones, Eleanor; Pauw, Karl; Thurlow, James; Xu, Wenqian
Working Paper
The agrifood system in PNG: Structure and drivers of transformation
2024Diao, Xinshen; Dorosh, Paul A.; Escalante, Luis Enrique; Pradesha, Angga; Thurlow, James; Junyan, Tian
Papua New Guinea rural household survey (2023): Synopsis of selected results
2024Schmidt, Emily; Yadav, Shweta
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: July 2024
2024International Food Policy Research Institute; Hayoge, Glen; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu; Schmidt, Emily
Papua New Guinea Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Policy Support Program
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
The International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT): Model documentation for version 3.6
Pitois, Gauthier; Wiebe, Keith D.; Rosegrant, Mark W.
Blog Post
Opportunities and challenges for coffee production in Papua New Guinea’s highlands
2024Mukerjee, Rishabh; Iha, Helmtrude Sikas; Warambukia, Damaris
IFPRI's country programs: Facilitating country-led food systems transformation
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
Working Paper
Review of global agricultural emission databases
2024Pablo, Elverdin; Said, Andrés D.
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: April 2024
2024Hayoge, Glen; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu; International Food Policy Research Institute
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: January 2024
2024International Food Policy Research Institute; Jemal, Mekamu; Schmidt, Emily
Presentations for the 2023 PNG Rural Household Survey: Report Launch
2024Schmidt, Emily; Hayoge, Glen; Koima, Joe; Dom, Michael
Working Paper
The impacts of production and price shocks on the coffee industry in PNG
2024Arua, Stanley; Gondo, Rober; Kinau, Adrian; Kotto, Aaron; Dorosh, Paul A.; Schmidt, Emily; Tian, Junyan
2023 PNG Rural Household Survey Report
2024Schmidt, Emily; Fang, Peixun; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu; Mahrt, Kristi; Mukerjee, Rishabh; Rosenbach, Gracie; Yadav, Shweta
Effects of a partial ban on Papua New Guinea’s imports of poultry products
2024Gimiseve, Harry; Miamba, Nelson; Na'ata, Bartholomew; Dorosh, Paul A.; Schmidt, Emily; Yadav, Shweta
Potential impacts of an El Niño related drought on sweet potato consumption and prices in Papua New Guinea
2024Joseph, Josiah; Hayoge, Glen; Sikas-Iha, Helmtrude; Dorosh, Paul A.; Schmidt, Emily; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu
Working Paper
Assessing the vulnerability of national food security to international food price shocks: A new index
2024Minot, Nicholas; Vos, Rob; Kim, Soonho; Park, Beyeong; Zaki, Sediqa; Mamboundou, Pierre
Working Paper
Reverting to traditional views of gender during times of relative deprivation: An experimental study in Nepal
2023Kosec, Katrina; Mo, Cecilia Hyunjung; You, Soosun; Boittin, Margaret
Working Paper
Exploring the potential of customized AI chatbots in food policy research: Capabilities and constraints in comparative perspective
2023Benson, Todd
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: October 2023
2023International Food Policy Research Institute; Hayoge, Greg; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu; Schmidt, Emily
Working Paper
Adoption and impacts of agricultural technologies and sustainable natural resource management practices in fragile and conflict affected settings: A review and meta-analysis
2023Nshakira-Rukundo, Emmanuel; Tabe-Ojong, Martin Paul Jr.; Gebrekidan, Bisrat Haile; Agaba, Monica; Surendran-Padmaja, Subash; Dhebibi, Boubaker
CACCI country profile Papua New Guinea
2023International Food Policy Research Institute
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: July 2023
2023International Food Policy Research Institute; Hayoge, Greg; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu; Schmidt, Emily
Working Paper
Constraints facing rural poultry production in PNG: The role of input suppliers
2023Fang, Peixun; Benny, Dickson; Ovah, Raywin; Roberts, Arthur; Schmidt, Emily; Solomon, Elly
Working Paper
Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns
2023Roy, Devesh; Kamar, Abul; Pradhan, Mamata; Saroj, Sunil; Ajmani, Manmeet Singh
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: April 2023
2023International Food Policy Research Institute; Hayoge, Greg; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu
2023 Global report on food crises: Joint analysis for better decisions
2023Food Security Information Network; Vos, Rob; Rice, Brendan
Working Paper
Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine War price shocks on the Bangladesh economy: A general equilibrium analysis
2023Chowdhury, Tahreen Tahrima; Dorosh, Paul A.; Islam, Rizwana; Pradesha, Angga
Book Chapter
A Review of Evidence on Gender Equality, Women's Empowerment, and Food Systems
2023Njuki, Jemimah; Eissler, Sarah; Malapit, Hazel J.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.; Bryan, Elizabeth; Quisumbing, Agnes R.
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: January 2023
2023International Food Policy Research Institute; Jemal, Mekamu; Schmidt, Emily
Working Paper
Role of agricultural commercialization in the agricultural transformation of Ethiopia: Trends, drivers, and impact on well-being
2022Minot, Nicholas; Warner, James; Aredo, Samson Dejene; Zewdie, Tadiwos
Working Paper
Does relative deprivation condition the effects of social protection programs on political support? Experimental evidence from Pakistan
2022Kosec, Katrina; Mo, Cecilia Hyunjung
Synopsis: Improving agricultural value chain coordination and gender inclusiveness in Papua New Guinea
2022Kosec, Katrina; Schmidt, Emily; Carrillo, Lucia; Fang, Peixun; Ivekolia, Mark; Ovah, Raywin
Working Paper
Improving agricultural value chain coordination and gender inclusiveness in PNG
2022Kosec, Katrina; Schmidt, Emily; Carrillo, Lucia; Fang, Peixun; Ivekolia, Mark; Ovah, Raywin
Synopsis: Implications of public investments and external shocks on agriculture, economic growth and poverty in Papua New Guinea: An economywide analysis
2022Dorosh, Paul A.; Pradesha, Angga
Synopsis: Rural household welfare in Papua New Guinea: Food security and nutrition challenges
2022Schmidt, Emily; Fang, Peixun; Mahrt, Kristi
Working Paper
Rural household welfare in Papua New Guinea: Food security and nutrition challenges
2022Schmidt, Emily; Fang, Peixun; Mahrt, Kristi
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: July 2022
2022International Food Policy Research Institute; Jemal, Mekamu; Schmidt, Emily
IFPRI at a glance
2022International Food Policy Research Institute
Working Paper
Implications of public investments and external shocks on agriculture, economic growth and poverty in Papua New Guinea: An economywide analysis
2022Dorosh, Paul A.; Pradesha, Angga
Journal Article
World Health Organization and knowledge translation in maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition
2022Strategic Technical Advisory Group of Experts; Duke, Trevor; AlBuhairan, Fadia S.; Agarwal, Koki; Arora, Narendra K.; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Ruel, Marie T.
Annual Report
Annual report 2021: CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets
2022CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets
Book Chapter
Projections from IFPRI's IMPACT model: Climate change and food systems
2022International Food Policy Research Institute
Working Paper
Nutrition as a basic need: A new method for utility-consistent and nutritionally adequate food poverty lines
2022Mahrt, Kristi; Herforth, Anna W.; Robinson, Sherman; Arndt, Channing; Headey, Derek D.
2022 Global report on food crises: Joint analysis for better decisions
2022Food Security Information Network; Vos, Rob; Rice, Brendan; Minot, Nicholas
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: April 2022
2022International Food Policy Research Institute; Schmidt, Emily; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu
Working Paper
Intensive and extensive margins of India’s agricultural trade: Implications for export diversification and development
2022Kannan, Elumalai; Kumar, Anjani
Data Paper
2019 Social Accounting Matrix for Papua New Guinea (PNG)
2022Pradesha, Angga; Dorosh, Paul A.
Book Chapter
COVID-19-induced disruptions of school feeding services exacerbate food insecurity in Nigeria
2022Abay, Kibrom A.; Amare, Mulubrhan; Tiberti, Luca; Andam, Kwaw S.; Wang, Michael
Book Chapter
Fiscal and monetary responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Current conditions and future scenarios in developing countries
2022Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Centurión, Miriam
Book Chapter
COVID-19, agricultural production, and food value chains
2022Place, Frank M.; Stoian, Dietmar; Minot, Nicholas
Book Chapter
COVID-19 and food inflation scares
2022Vos, Rob; Glauber, Joseph W.; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Laborde Debucquet, David
Book Chapter
Impacts of COVID-19 on global poverty and food security: What more do we know now?
2022Laborde Debucquet, David; Martin, Will; Vos, Rob
Book Chapter
Beyond initial impacts: The evolving COVID-19 context and food system resilience
2022McDermott, John; Lee, Deborah; McNamara, Brian; Swinnen, Johan
Book Chapter
Smarter policies for enhanced food security and food system outcomes
2022McDermott, John; Allison-Reumann, Laura
Book Chapter
COVID-19 disruptions to health and nutrition services in Uttar Pradesh, India
2022Nguyen, Phuong Hong; Kachwaha, Shivani; Avula, Rasmi; Menon, Purnima; Wang, Michael
Book Chapter
COVID-19 undermines incomes, livelihoods in rural Myanmar
2022Ragasa, Catherine; Lambrecht, Isabel; Mahrt, Kristi; Aung, Zin Wai; Wang, Michael
Book Chapter
Ethiopia’s social safety net effective in limiting COVID-19 impacts on rural food insecurity
2022Abay, Kibrom A.; Berhane, Guush; Hoddinott, John F.; Tafere, Kibrom
Book Chapter
Waves of disease, waves of poverty: New evidence on the economic impacts of COVID-19 and political instability in Myanmar
2022Headey, Derek D.; Cho, Ame; Mahrt, Kristi; Diao, Xinshen; Lambrecht, Isabel
Book Chapter
China’s small and medium-sized enterprises rebounded after the COVID-19 lockdown, but economic problems linger
2022Zhang, Xiaobo
Book Chapter
COVID-19’s varied impacts on fresh fruit and vegetable supply chains in Senegal
2022Fabry, Anna; Van Hoyweghen, Kaat; Feyaerts, Hendrik; Wade, Idrissa; Maertens, Miet
Book Chapter
How to ensure effective government responses as COVID-19 spreads to rural areas
2022Kosec, Katrina; Ragasa, Catherine
Book Chapter
Trust in science and in government plays a crucial role in COVID-19 response
2022Resnick, Danielle
Book Chapter
Extraordinary COVID-19 social support programs in South Africa yield economic benefits during the pandemic period
2022Gabriel, Sherwin; van Seventer, Dirk; Arndt, Channing; Davies, Robert J.; Harris, Laurence; Robinson, Sherman; Wilf, Jenna
Book Chapter
A major food transfer program in Bangladesh fell short during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022Bin Khaled, Muhammad Nahian; Raghunathan, Kalyani; Rashid, Shahidur; Dearlove, Honor; Chowdhury, Shyamal
Book Chapter
Selected country experiences during the pandemic: Policy responses and CGIAR support
2022Andam, Kwaw S.; Ezekannagha, Oluchi
Book Chapter
Crowdsourced data reveal threats to household food security in near real-time during COVID-19 pandemic
2022Adewopo, Julius; Hermosilla, Gloria Solano; Micale, Fabio; Colen, Liesbeth
Book Chapter
Short-term impacts of COVID-19 in rural Guatemala: Call for a closer, continuous look at the food security and nutritional patterns of vulnerable families
2022Ceballos, Francisco; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Paz, Cynthia
Book Chapter
Impact of falling remittances amid COVID-19 on Yemen’s war-torn economy
2022Elsabbagh, Dalia; Kurdi, Sikandra; Wiebelt, Manfred
Book Chapter
COVID-19 and resilience innovations in food supply chains: Two years later
2022Reardon, Thomas; Swinnen, Johan; Vos, Rob
Book Chapter
Impacts of the COVID-19-driven rise in global rice prices on consumers in Papua New Guinea
2022Schmidt, Emily; Dorosh, Paul A.
Book Chapter
How to support students and the learning process during India’s COVID-19 school closures
2022Pant, Anjali; Scott, Samuel; Nguyen, Phuong Hong
Book Chapter
How India’s agrifood supply chains fared during the COVID-19 lockdown, from farm to fork
2022Narayanan, Sudha
COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later
2022McDermott, John J.; Swinnen, Johan
Synopsis: Improving agricultural productivity in Papua New Guinea: Strategic and policy considerations
2022Benny, Dickson; Benson, Todd; Ivekolia, Mark; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu; Ovah, Raywin
Working Paper
Improving agricultural productivity in Papua New Guinea: Strategic and policy considerations
2022Benny, Dickson; Benson, Todd; Ivekolia, Mark; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu; Ovah, Raywin
Working Paper
Returns to R&D investment to inform priority setting in the One CGIAR and NARS
2022Nin-Pratt, Alejandro
Working Paper
Mismeasurement and efficiency estimates: Evidence from smallholder survey data in Africa
2022Abay, Kibrom A.; Wossen, Tesfamichael; Chamberlin, Jordan
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: January 2022
2022International Food Policy Research Institute; Jemal, Mekamu; Schmidt, Emily
2019 Social Accounting Matrix for Papua New Guinea
2022International Food Policy Research Institute
Working Paper
This land is her land: A comparative analysis of gender, institutions, and landownership
2021Mika, Helena; Doss, Cheryl
2021 PIM partnership evaluation
2021Andersson, Krister; Templeton, Deborah
Working Paper
Women’s tenure security on collective lands: A conceptual framework
2021Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.; Doss, C.; Flintan, Fiona E.; Knight, R.; Larson, A.M.; Monterroso, I.
Working Paper
Distributional consequences of wheat in Sudan: A simulation model analysis
2021Dorosh, Paul A.
East Africa commodity price report - November 2021
2021Adong, Annet; Ochen, Ronald; Achola, Jolly
Journal Article
Papua New Guinea agri-food trade and household consumption trends point towards dietary change and increased overweight and obesity prevalence
2021Schmidt, Emily; Fang, Peixun
Poverty, tenure security, and landscape governance: Exploring inextricable interdependencies for science, policy, and action
2021Oyono, Phil René
Agricultural extension and rural advisory services: What have we learned? What’s next?
2021Davis, Kristin E.; Makhija, Simrin; Spielman, David J.
Book Chapter
Promise and contradiction: Value chain participation and women's empowerment
2021Ihalaine, Markus; Shaikh, Sumer; Mujawamariya, Gaudiose; Mayanja, Sarah; Adetonah, Sounkoura; Tavenner, Katie; Elias, Marlène
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